Presentation Description
Institution: University of Melbourne - Victoria, Australia
AIMS: Cochlear implant (CI) insertion depth can predict postoperative outcomes and hearing preservation. Intracochlear electrocochleography (IC ECochG) relates to both, suggesting its potential in determining CI position. However, non-positional factors may affect IC ECochG. The cochlear microphonic (CM) and summating potential (SP) show tonotopic accuracy. While the IC CM's tonotopicity is documented, evidence for IC SP is limited. This study compares IC CM and SP characteristics in determining CI array position across multiple frequencies.
METHODOLOGY: ECochG responses to tone burst stimuli were recorded from 11 CI electrodes across a 22-electrode array post-insertion (n = 91 for 500 Hz, 55 for 1000 Hz, 28 for 2000 Hz). Automated methods determined CM amplitude and SP deflection. SP groups (SP+, SP-, SPmin) were created based on SP deflection. Cochlear size and insertion depth were measured using temporal bone CT. The modified Greenwood function calculated estimated frequency (eF) per electrode. Semitone mismatch (∆ST) was measured between peak ECochG responses and tonotopic position. eF and ∆ST were analyzed for correlations to ECochG characteristics.
RESULTS: Varied responses were noted across tonal stimuli. For 500 Hz, eF was lower and ∆ST smaller for CM than SP, but differences were small. CM amplitude did not correlate with position. The SP+ group had significantly lower eF and smaller ∆ST than SP- and SPmin groups. Larger absolute SP amplitudes were linked with higher eF and larger ∆ST. Linear mixed models (LMM) using SP polarity and amplitude explained 30% of ∆ST variance. For 1000 and 2000 Hz, neither CM nor SP correlated with positional factors.
CONCLUSION: At low frequencies, IC SP is more closely related to insertion depth than IC CM, though the variance explained by SP was modest. Higher frequencies showed no association between IC ECochG and insertion depth, suggesting ECochG characteristics are not solely determined by CI insertion depth.
Dr Jared Panario - , Professor Stephen O'Leary - , Dr Christofer Bester - , Dr Aaron Collins -