Presentation Description
Institution: Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick - NSW, Australia
Paediatric subperiosteal orbital abscesses (SPOA) are a serious suppurative complication of rhinosinusitis, requiring prompt diagnosis and timely management. This study reviews subperiosteal and orbital abscess presentation and management trends over a 20-year period at a tertiary paediatric referral hospital.
A retrospective review of children diagnosed with Chandler stage III-V orbital cellulitis requiring surgical intervention from 2005-2024 at Sydney Children’s Hospital was conducted. Data included demographics, clinical presentation, treatment, pathogens, and outcomes. Surgical intervention included tailored endoscopic sinus surgery (middle meatal antrostomy, ethmoidectomy ± medial orbital decompression) and open surgery (transcaruncular, transconjunctival, lid crease, or brow incision).
Eighty-seven patients (mean age 9.1±4.0 years; 63.2% male) were included. 73.6% were transferred from peripheral hospitals and 57.5% had right-sided involvement. 91.2% presented with Chandler III orbital cellulitis, mean WCC 16.0±5.5 x10^9 cells/L and CRP 96±82.6 mg/L. There was a significant increase in incidence and severity of subperiosteal and orbital abscesses over the last 20 years, with 42.5% of presentations occurring within the last 5 years.
Surgical intervention occurred on average within 24 hours of admission. 51 patients (58.6%) had a combined endoscopic/open approach, 28 (32.1%) endoscopic only, and 15 (17.2%) open only. Eight patients (9.1%) needed a second surgery for disease control. Identified pathogens included strep. milleri (26%), strep. pyogenes (15%) and strep. pneumoniae (7%). The median hospital stay was 7.8±6.4 days and 8% required ICU admission.
Over the last 20 years, the prevalence and severity of SPOA has notably increased. Children can be safely managed with combination IV antibiotics, steroids, and surgical intervention - whether endoscopic, open, or combined. Insights from this research will help direct ongoing SPOA management paradigms.
Dr Jacqueline Ho - , Dr Richard Tjahjono - , Dr Ehsan Panahi - , Dr Catherine Banks - , Dr Geoff Wilcsek - , Dr Marlene Soma -